Adversarial Attacks Against Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies for Strategy Games

Program synthesis from input-output (IO) examples has been a long-standing challenge. While recent works demonstrated limited success on domain-specific languages (DSL), it remains highly challenging to apply them to real-world programming languages, such as C. Due to complicated syntax and token variation, there are three major challenges: (1) unlike many DSLs, programs in languages like C need to compile first and are not executed via interpreters; (2) the program search space grows exponentially when the syntax and semantics of the programming language become more complex; and (3) collecting a large-scale dataset of real-world programs is non-trivial. To address these challenges, we propose LaSynth that learns the latent representation to approximate the execution of partially generated programs, even if they are incomplete in syntax (addressing (1)). The learned execution significantly improves the performance of next token prediction over existing approaches, facilitating search (addressing (2)). Finally, once trained with randomly generated ground-truth programs and their IO pairs, LaSynth can synthesize more concise programs that resemble human-written code. Furthermore, retraining our model with these synthesized programs yields better performance with fewer samples for both Karel and C program synthesis, indicating the promise of leveraging the learned program synthesizer to improve the dataset quality for input-output program synthesis (addressing (3)). When evaluating on whether the program execution outputs match the IO pairs, LaSynth achieves 55.2% accuracy on generating simple C code with tens of tokens including loops and branches, outperforming existing approaches without executors by around 20%.


August 15, 2021 (notes: the project name has been updated to Latent Execution for Neural Program Synthesis).



Program synthesis from input-output (IO) pairs, also called programming by example (PBE), requires high-level reasoning and remains a challenging problem for deep models. While there are many previous works on programming by example tasks, they mainly focus on Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), and cannot be easily applied to popular general-purpose programming languages. For example, to synthesize C programs, we need to deal with both high-level control flows (e.g., branching and loop) and low-level operations (e.g., which variable is the target of assignment). Moreover, unlike DSLs (e.g., Karel) for which it is feasible to implement a per-line interpreter, C programs need compilation and a partial C program cannot execute.

To synthesize C programs from IO pairs, we propose LaSynth, as demonstrated in the figure above. As the first contribution on model architectures for program synthesis, we propose to use two latent parallel representations in the recurrent model. One representation is learned from regular recurrent models as in autoregressive language models, with the double attention mechanism over IO pairs proposed in RobustFill and an operation predictor that models the arithmetic relationship between the program input and output. The second representation, named Latent Execution Trace, models the hypothetical input signal for the remaining partial program to execute to get to the desired output. Motivated by the line of work on execution-guided program synthesis, we learn a latent representation for C programs which are not executed via interpreters, and train the model given only IO pairs without the intermediate program execution states. The two parallel representations are trained end-to-end.

As the second contribution on dataset construction, we demonstrate that it is possible to automatically construct a C codebase that is of high quality, controllable and concise through our proposed program synthesis procedure. Specifically, starting from randomly generated C programs that might contain a lot of redundant statements, we show that via iterative retraining, the subsequent generated code from our learned model becomes more concise and similar to human-written ones. Moreover, learning directly from the generated code leads to better performance given the same amount of samples, and improves the sample efficiency. We envision that such a procedure could greatly reduce laborious efforts in human codebase collection in future research.

As the third contribution, we show for the first time that short C code (tens of tokens, no library call) with sequential, branching, loop and simple arithmetic operations can be effectively synthesized from IO pairs. In particular, while LaSynth tends to generate more concise programs (and does not have exact token match with random generated ground truth code), when measuring whether the program execution outputs match the IO pairs, LaSynth achieves 55.2% accuracy, and outperforms existing neural program synthesis models by around 20%. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of learning latent execution traces.


